Gacutil fails to register a dll and fails silently

I hit a bit of an issue the other day. read more

Implementing paging with the Twitter Search API

Useful article here runs through the paging mechanism available through the Twitter search API read more

SSIS – Manually assigning Null values

Spent a few minutes trying to assign null to a derived variable as part of a script task transform. In my mind Row.CreatedDate = null would do it right? read more

XML Refresher

Haven’t really touched XML for a fair few months now so by way of a refresher I worked through the excellent Pluralsight “Many Approaches To XML Processing” course. Notes below:- read more

SSIS is replacing null values with Zeros for integers

Hit an issue recently where a csv file was being transformed through an SSIS package but persisting to the database as zero value integers for all null value columns. read more