Moq – Getting the Value Of a Mocked Method Parameter

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There’s scenarios where we don’t care about the Moq “It.IsAny<>” parameter value being passed into a mocked method but we need to get the value on the way out. For example, take the scenario below. I’m using SQLite to form integration tests and I need to get a handle on the generated ParentWidget.Id to tie back to my Widget FK. read more

Hide Endpoints And Schemas from Swagger / OpenAPI


I have a requirement to hide a few of the API’s controller endpoints from Swagger along with their respective schemas that aren’t yet ready for public consumption. I still want them to be available for Postman/Newman tests as part of the CI/CD. This can be achieved using the following Swashbuckle filter and MVC convention to successfully hide Swagger endpoints :- read more

Moq OData Delta Objects To Test Patch Methods

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Following on from my afternoon with Moq I stumbled upon another fun issue. How the hell could I test my API’s PATCH methods? They all make use of OData’s Delta objects. read more

Mock a return type of Task and Tuple with Moq

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Using Moq I was creating a few unit tests and stumbled across an interesting problem. I needed to mock a call to an async method on a service under test that took in a 2 parameters and returned a tuple of 2 values. read more

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found – Entity Framework


Encountered the System.MissingMethodException: Method not found with very little else to go on. I noticed as part of the stack trace a reference to an async call on Entity Framework Core Add method. read more