Ale, music and enjoying life.
Was playing with a POC app recently. I pushed out a web deploy to an Azure App Service. Everything built and deployed without issue. The app fired up and nothing just the vanilla error message returned. I checked the site logs via Kudu and nothing jumped out. Tried another deploy and no dice. So where do we go from here?
Sqlcmd –S <server>\<instance> -v <variablename>=<variablevalue> -i <sql script to run>.sql
Sqlcmd –S localhost\myinstance -v databasename=mydatabase -i myscript.sql
There’s a way of querying the report through an SQL query and you can filter down the noise accordingly to something similar to the below:
SELECT TOP 15 *, event_message_id,MESSAGE,package_name,event_name,message_source_name,package_path,execution_path,message_type,message_source_type
FROM SSISDB.catalog.event_messages em
WHERE em.operation_id = (SELECT MAX(execution_id) FROM SSISDB.catalog.executions)
AND event_name NOT LIKE '%Validate%'
/* Put in whatever WHERE predicates you might like*/
WHERE event_name = 'OnError'
ORDER BY message_time DESC
Kudos to the following link that refreshed my memory on this:-
To enable simply click on the web app in question through the Azure dashboard. Click on the “Configure” tab and look for the “Connection Strings” section about 3 quarters down. In the “NAME” enter the name of your connection and in the “VALUE” enter the connection string. So for example in my web.config I have the following:
<connectionStrings> <add name="DB_Dev" connectionString=",1433;Database=mydatabase;User Id=Bob;Password=mysecretpassword;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;" /> </connectionStrings>
This then appears in Azure config as follows:
I can then change my local dev config settings to whatever local dev instance I’m working on.
Spent time examining table constraints through trying to establish why this was occurring. It’s not the SSIS package because the file preview isn’t showing zeros right? Nope, guess again it is the SSIS package. Take a look at the Flat File flow component and tick the box as follows, job done.