Moq – Mocking the same method call with multiple results

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The Scenario I have a loop in production code that has evolved into processing batches of records. I need to modify an existing unit test to accommodate mocking the same method call each time through the loop returning different results on each loop (as…

Moq – Mocking the Request context and verifying SQLException is raised.

Mocking the Request on an API Controller Had an API controller under unit test which made use of the HttpMessageRequest which I needed to mock.How do I get a handle on this? Again pretty simple really (my initial train of thought was back to front…

Moq – Verifying parameter values on a mocked method call.

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Was going down a rabbit hole trying to figure out how to check param value on a mocked method (pretty simple if truth be told). I need to ensure that when an exception was raised my logger would be called Times.Once and would log the…